Words From a Frozen Mind

Sunday, August 14, 2005


I have been thinking about forgiveness for the past few days, I have been wondering if I could be so forgiving to one that did something to me for no other reason then spite. Knowing my nature I would give that person, what my friend Carl calls "my fuck you look", for a day or two. Then it would seem that all was forgotten, tell the day that person would piss me off again. Then I would deluge them with word that you would hear in a Quention Tarantino film. Every other word would contain cuss word fashioned together in away that only I could do. I don’t cuss all the time, and I’m working on the times I do. I’m trying to be more lady like. I’m only bring this up because there is someone that seems to have forgiven or has put it hind him, something that I would have had a hard time doing. The thing has nothing to do with me, but I got up-set on his behalf, and deluged the spiteful person with a lot of 4 letter words. Which looking back on I shouldn’t have. I feel that I may have made it big then if it was left alone. It turns out that he is the bigger person in all of this, and that we can all learn from. Here is a quote I found that I think we could live by.
Forgiveness is the healing of wounds caused by another. You choose to let go of a past wrong and no longer be hurt by it. Forgiveness is a strong move to make, like turning your shoulders sideways to walk quickly on a crowded sidewalk. It's your move.” July 7, 2003 RealLivepreacher.com weblog.


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