Words From a Frozen Mind

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Ice Age

Just came back from the world ice carving championships, held here in Fairbanks. Sunday night they opened the children's ice Park, with the governor and John Leguizamo blow torching an ice ribbon ceremony.

I went with my friend Em and her little girl TaiTai who is two. We didn't stay for the ribbon ceremony, because the way they set up the ribbon ceremony you were so far a way you couldn’t see anything. The closest you could get was about 100 yards from where the ceremony was occurring. And that is only if you were in the front row. It was like the audience had the bird flu or something. Maybe the governor did not want to get too close to his constituents, because they might have opinions on his oil and gas tax proposal.

So we decided to just walk around. But, I did get to see John Leguizamo. He was walking into the warming hut, when we were walking out. Had to yell at his security team because they almost knocked over TaiTai, I don't care who you are, you don't knock over a two-year old! I didn't get any pictures of him, but he did give me a smile when he noticed I was not happy with his security.

Here are some pictures of the ice carving championships, of the multi-block carvings. I was using my mother’s Canon Powershot camera, which I'm not used to and the pictures aren't that good. And I didn't get to take a lot of pictures because TaiTai was a handful. I plan to go back by myself and take some more pictures of the single block and the multi-block carvings. Maybe with a little more time I will get use to my mother’s camera. So enjoy the pictures.


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