Words From a Frozen Mind

Saturday, April 29, 2006

lol funny

This was sent to me by KS. This is a women's theme song. And for men that just don't understand, they will after hearing this.

"PMS Blues" by Dolly Pardon
check it out

Tuesday, April 18, 2006



Thursday, April 13, 2006

photo friday: full

click to make bigger

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Working hard for the money

Why is it, that people that set behind a desk, have nothing better to do, then spend all their time making the little mans life harder? Don’t they have other things to do?

For the past month corporate has been on our ass. Because of this, work has been working me like a red-headed step-child. Well this red-headed step-child has reached the braking point.

All I want to do when I get off of work is sleep and going to classes is getting harder. But the sun is out and the snow is melting, staying indoors seems like a sin. Just one more week of the big-wigs sticking their noses into places that they have no clue about, then maybe I will not be a sinner and I will get back to taking pictures, bloging, updating my links and be happier.


After spending hours downloading music, when I should have been doing homework, I found out that Napster sucks! Why in the world would you spend 9.95 a month and not be able to sync, rip or burn CDs. For an extra fee you can, but the cost would be the same as if I went out and bought the CDs myself. iTunes is not that much better. I have to find a better way to get my music, maybe I should get a parrot and an eye patch. RRRRRRRRR!!!!!

Lens Day furry

click on pic to make bigger