Words From a Frozen Mind

Saturday, December 31, 2005

I’m pissed

This is a rant; I just had to get this off my chest.

People need to learn to be better friends. Friends are there for you, as I’m there for them. You can’t just use me to get what you want, and then toss me a side like an old newspaper. (And NO this is not about sex!)

I’m a person like you with feelings, even though I try to keep my feelings hidden. This girl is getting tired of being nice and then getting sh@#% upon.

I’m finding that it doesn’t pay to be nice. If there is a problem, tell me, I’m a big girl, I can handle it. Don’t do things behind my back, I always find out.

I’m not an after thought!!!!!

This year is ending on a very bad note. I hope to god that next year will be better.


Sunday, December 25, 2005

It's 12:09 AM


Friday, December 23, 2005

Ways to get a SYC evaluation from the University psychologist

It's the end of the year and my thoughts are turning to the New Year and the start of the winter semester. Last semester I had all my classes on line, and the up coming semester I will be back in the classroom with my fellow classmates. I found this list of things, that you can do to confuse your Professor and you roommate. I would never attempt this, just because I wouldn’t want to get kicked out if school or in up on a couch, doing self-evaluation. I just don’t want to go there. Plus I’m too chicken, and some people think I weird anyway. The list is too long to post the whole thing, but I picked the best ones. I will link to the list.
Ways to Confuse Your Professor
  • Brush your teeth during class. While doing so, raise your hand as if you have a question, and mumble your question incoherantly while brushing, spewing toothpaste all over the place. If your professor objects to your actions, go on a tirade about proper oral hygiene.

  • Get a monkey, and bring it to class with you. Tell your professor that you've hired the monkey to take notes for you. Sit back and relax during class, letting the monkey scribble on a piece of paper. When it comes time to write a paper or take a test, write down things like, "I wish I had a banana" and "I miss my tire swing." Assuming you get a bad grade, angrily fire the monkey in front of your professor.

  • Draw hearts and flowers on the backs of your papers and tests. Next to them, write things like, "You're the best, even though you suck" and "You're the worst professor in the world, but I still love you."

Link: http://rivendell.fortunecity.com/lunar/207/id76.htm

Way to Confuse Your Roommate

  • Every morning, when you get up, say, "Well, time to go to class." Sit on your bed and act like you're turning your room key in the ignition. Then act like you're driving, turning an invisible steering wheel and making, "Rrrrrrrrrrrr, rrrrrrrrrrrrrr" engine sounds. Then, one day, chug a few beers before "driving" to class. Make the "Rrrrrrrrrrr" sounds, and then say, "Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech" and act like you've had a car accident. Fling yourself off the bed and across the room, and pretend to be hurt. Spend the day in bed with an icepack on your forehead.

  • Get a hamster. Keep it in a cage, with a little exercise wheel. Whenever the hamster runs in the wheel, stand next to the cage and jog in place. Tell your roommate that the hamster is your "personal trainer." Someplace outside the room, let your roommate catch you eating a candy bar. Beg him/her not to tell the hamster about it.

  • Chew gum often. When you're finished chewing it, store it in a drawer until you've amassed a huge wad of used gum. If your roommate inquires, go on a tangent about recycling. When the gum wad gets big enough, sit it in front of the TV and let it watch cartoons. Complain to your roommate that the gum wad never watches anything educational.

  • Get a duck. While your roommate is out, put on some dance music, and wait for your roommate to come back. When he/she does, let him/her catch you dancing with the duck. Act surprised, turn off the music, and immediately go to bed. Get rid of the duck, and refuse to ever acknowledge that the incident occurred.

There are a lot more here is the link: http://rivendell.fortunecity.com/lunar/207/id93.htm

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Poor Bunny

I saw this music video and I felt sad for the bunny. I don’t know about you, but I think we all have felt like this once or twice in are life.

It's funny http://thatvideosite.com/view/1122.html

Some are noddy, Some are nice, but more noddy

This is one reason why Christmas has lost it
Ho, ho, humbug -- Santa's split personality
PARIS (AFP) - Fired for being too generous with his time, hunted by police for indecent exposure and arrested in Hong Kong for demonstrating in support of democracy, Santa Claus has been seen in various guises this holiday season.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

To little time

It was a long day, all I wanted to do was go back home for a nap. Seems that I been burning the candle at both ends, for the past 2 weeks. The past 2 week have felt like a month. The sad thing about it I haven’t done any Christmas shopping, and Christmas is this Sunday. I have to go get something. I don’t think that the gifts that I have to mail off will get where they have to go before Sunday. I’m going to have to bite the bullet and go to Wal-Mart. I hate Wal-Mart; their crap is cheap and so cheaply made. I can’t believe that they are going to build another Wal-Mart. We already have the biggest Wal-Mart in Alaska, why do we need another. Maybe I can find the time to go across town to Fred Meyers. They are a little more expensive, but I don’t feel like I’m making a deal with the devil when I go to Fred Meyers.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Poor Dave

Mom had to work through lunch, so I went over to let Dave out. I have to find a playmate for him. He is missing Tim, and he is lonely. So I’m writing a Personal AD for him.

Dog seeking Dog

Hi my name is Dave, a black lab. I live in Fairbanks. I’m the kind of dog that does not bark, growl, or cries. The only time I have growl at anyone is when, I growled at my mom’s boss. All he had to do was to give me a treat, and I was his best friend. I’m the most loving, sweet, kindest dog you will ever find. I love people and other dogs; I do not have one mean bone in his body. I’m looking for a friend. Breed does not matter. If you like to go run around and chase a ball or stick, going to the park and play. Give me a bark.


Sunday, December 18, 2005

B and E

Saturday, after going to the movies (Walk the line, very good movie by the way), I came home and I couldn’t find my house keys. I had my car keys, but no house keys. It was not easy to brake into my apartment, and my ID has seen better days. To bad the picture still looks like new. So locks are changed. After all that, it was time to drown my woes in Beer and ice cream. Who know the PilsnerUrquell beer and Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia would be good together? Take my word for it, it is good. In reality I had more B and J’s then beer. One Czech beer and I’m good to go.

Foreign AD

I got this for another bloger in South Korea. I will add him to my links latter. THIS IS NOT TO BE VEIWED AT WORK!!!!! if you want to keep your job, but you have to see it to the end, it is not what you think. The AD’s that run over seas, are not as tame as they are here. http://thatvideosite.com/view/711.html

Saturday, December 17, 2005

A.C.N: American comedy network

A friend e-mailed me this link. It’s anti war and anti Bush flash cartoon.
Thanks Emma, I had a good laugh.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The edit room floor

OK, I can show my ass around town. I didn’t see the 6 o’clock news because I went to my brother’s good bye dinner. He will be leaving tomorrow. When I told my brother what happen at the Clearing House he was hopping that my ass would make the news, he wanted to TVio it. He can be an ass sometimes. I staid up to watch the 11 clock news, I just had to know. Thank God!!! I was edited out!!! My ass was spare the endearment and Fairbanks was spared too.


I update my links, check them out if you have the time, I think you will enjoy them.

What do they say about good deeds?

I went to Santa Clearing House to make some gift basket for 11 to 12 year-old kid. As I was making a gift bag, a reporter was there doing a report for CH 13 news. She didn’t interview me but, she did take some shots of the volunteers. I was not paying much attention to her; I was binding over to get some books out of a box, then when I turned around I saw the camera right on me. O’ MY GOD!!!! Her shot has a shot of my ass!!! And she was wide angle lens!!!! Cameras put 10 pounds on a person and a wide angle puts about 20. My ass does not need any more pounds add to it!!! I hope to God that she edits my ass out, I really don’t want to see my ass on the 6 o’clock News and I don’t think Fairbanks wants to either. I guess I will have to see at 6 if I can show my ass around town ;).

The holiday debate

The debate over Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday is getting too heated, it is turning into something not so Christmassy.

As Charlie Brown has said “Does anyone know the meaning of Christmas Means?”

Maybe people are losing their mind, because they are ODing on X-mas music that started playing the day after Thanksgiving. How many time can you hear “Jingle Bells” before you go insane?

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Is it?

Is it paranoia, if what you are paranoid about is real and not all in you head?

Wining down ;)

If you haven't notice I have been doing a lot of news posting. Well, classes are out for winter brake and mom can now drive herself around. I turned in my last project, so I have been catching up with my reading. I have 5 back issues of LabMedicine that I still have to read and I have not gotten very far with my book that I'm reading “Good Earth”. You have to bear with me, there may be more news posting.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Had to laugh

This made me giggle, J. Brown wrote this for the OP Loftbed Scholarship, he's the 2005-2006 winner.

In 100 words or less, write something that will make the judges laugh out loud.

Aunt Mable has a dog, Tiger. I noticed Tiger seemed to have less hair than when I last saw him. I asked Aunt Mable, “What’s going on with Tiger?” Tiger had been scratching a lot lately and she had been diligently spraying him with the “flea” spray. Tiger was scratching as we spoke and I took Aunt Mable the “Febreeze” because it was the only spray bottle I found. I asked her where the flea spray was. She said, “That’s it in your hands!” I said, “Auntie, this is Febreeze, a fabric deodorizer!” She thought the label said FLEA Breeze!

That poor Dog.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

War Zone

Fairbanks News-Miner reporter Margaret Friedenauer is now reporting from Iraq for 7 weeks, embedded with the 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team Alaska. Besides reporting stories to the Miner, she is keeping a blog http://newsminer.com/iraq/blog/ . If you have someone over there or wait to see the life of a reporter in Iraq, check it out and leave some comments. It is a good read, and maybe she will interview Jason. He is in the 172nd Stryker, I think. I will also put the link on my blog list.

Susan Butcher

Susan Butcher of Iditarod fame, and the inspiration for the saying "Alaska, where men are men and women win the Iditarod" was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a blood disorder. She is in need of a bone marrow transplant. The Blood Bank of Alaska is organizing a statewide donor drive on Dec. 30. It is a simple blood test and if you do not match with Butcher, you will be put in the National Marrow Donor Program and you can help someone else. For more info on becoming a donor you can check this out. http://www.nmdp.org/ , and for the Blood Bank of Alaska http://www.bloodbankofalaska.org/ . For updates on Butcher go here. http://www.susanbutcher.com/ . Our thought are with Butcher and her family.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

There are some dumb asses here in Alaska (Yes, they're men)

In the Fairbanks News Miner there was a story that I can’t figure out how it was physically possible. Here is part of the story by Amanda Bohman:

Alaska State Troopers are investigating an incident involving a 53 year-old man (Gerritt Fuentes) who said accidentally shot himself in the buttocks.

Fuentes told troopers the accident occurred Monday at the Fairbanks North Star Borough public shooting rang on South Cushman Street, according to trooper spokesman Greg Wilkinson.

“He reported to the hospital; on (Tuesday) because it hurt,”………Fuentes was shot with a .22 caliber weapon.

“Because it hurt” Duh!!!

I think he is inline for a Darwin award.

How in the hell can you shoot yourself in the ass?
Well, dumb asses don’t only live in Fairbanks; in the some paper from AP there was a story from my home town of Juneau. This guy is also in line for the Darwin award.

David Mulligan, 21, of Sika, served 25 days for drunken driving and was released at 7 a.m. Tuesday. Authorities say he stole a van three minutes later.

A man who lived a block from the Lemon Creek Correctional Center had left his 1997 Dodge van running to worm up. When he came out of the house, it was gone.

Two hours later, the owner called police on a cell phone, saying he was following the stolen van………

There are 2 dumb asses in this story: one is Mulligan, the other is the man that is worm up his car at 48˚ F.Doesn't he care about the environment? When I lived there, Juneau was full of hippies. Juneau has been above 0 and raining for the last few days. So, Why do he need to worm up the car, it’s not like it – 20. Watch, it will be someone I went to High School with.

Q and A

I was flipping throw the T.V. and I caught the last end of Family Feud. There was one question that the person give an answer that I thought good God.

Q: Name a state that you can dress the same all year round?

A: Alaska

It scares me, that there are some people out there, that still think that Alaska is cold all year round, and that we live in igloo and have pigeons as pets.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I’m up

Woke up at 5:40 this morning, do not know why, I don’t have to be into work tell 2. Well, I might know why, had dinner at Will and Jana’s last night. She is not a bad cook and the dish was very good. I think that Czech food has a little more fat then I’m use too. Well this dish was fatty; it was a potatoes and sausage dish. It was good, but I think that my stomach is feeling the aftermath.

To pass the time I caught a pod cast of Decin basketball game, Decin beat USK Praha 86:73, gooo!!! Decin!!!! There is nothing that can get you blood pumping in the morning like see 24 sweaty good looking men, running up and down a court.

To all the people that have read and lift me comments thanks, it is nice to know that I’m not talking to myself. And to anonymous, yes, orgasms would be nice too! Not many one or two a month would be nice. I don't think that is to much to ask, is it?

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Men are dumb asses babies

I have come to realize that men are needy babies. If you don’t pay attention to them all the time, they cry like a baby that need to be changed, If I wanted a baby I would have had one. But if you ask or want the attention, you are too needy and overbearing. Maybe I should become a lesbian? No, the whole sex with women, is not my thing. Can’t live with them, can’t kill them and don’t want to become a lesbian. What is a woman to do?