Went to the Tanana Valley State Fair Sunday. After looking for a parking spot and standing in line for 20 minutes my friend Leann and I spent 3 hours looking around at all the booths. There were lots and lots of food and drinks, and I did my fair share. Leann call it a night around 6pm and I met up with my friend Nicole, We walked around for another 4 or 5 hour, hitting the beer garden twice, and eating more. I think that the fair is more about eating than any thing else. Didn't get home till one. To quote a song “ I must’ve had fun last night ‘cause now I’m broke” The Bravery:
The Ring song.

There were some amazing animals at the fair; 4 H club from all over Alaska came to show their animal skills. I found an amazing goat that could work the bar like any world class ballerina.
here is ms. goat doing a back leg stretch.

here she is showing the right way to use the bar. these 4-H kids know how to train their animals.
I’m a tea drinker; I have never been that mush in to coffee, and this maybe why? Alaskan’s are a weird bunch; It must be the long, dark winter setting around in the cabin. We can go a little crazy, but we can come up with some dozy.
This little girl captured the sprit of the fair. The freedom of being young and care free, how soon that fades and there is no more reckless abandonment. We should act more like this little girl and our life would be fuller.
These photos I call dancing girl freedom.

There were a lot of local entertainment, the people I was will with didn’t want to stay for the whole show. Party poopers.:(