Words From a Frozen Mind

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Had a meeting up at the U, as I was wanted, I read the Sun Star, the University’s weekly News paper. It must have been a slow news week up at the University. But there was a story by Tav Ammu that brought me back to a time that I lived in the dorms.
Cold weather pleasure: Sex in the dorms
As students spend less time outside and more time indoors huddled under the covers, the important subject on students' minds (other than classes) becomes sex. However, sex in the dorms can be a tricky, and sometimes sticky, matter. There are many variables to take into account: roommates, the desk attendants, thin walls and nosy neighbors.
From my room I heard three different people having sex," said James Smith, a sophomore studying justice. "Only one was a neighbor."
Although some may find it discourteous and even rude, the general consensus is amusement.

"It's just funny," Smith said.

Allison Whitten, a sophomore studying history and linguistics, had a story about walking in on her roommate having sex. "The door was locked, so I knocked. I didn't hear anything so I carded in, Whitten said. "There's my roommate with her boyfriend, I did the next logical thing. I turned on the lights and took pictures. The moral of the story is use the deadbolt."

"We don't have a code, we just lock the door, said Kathryn Brownlee, a junior studying education. “If we're already in the room and giving the other (roommate) signs to get out, you know it's busy time."

"I walked in on some people being passionate, not in the confines of their assigned room, but in the laundry room, as well as the kitchen," said Pat Lake. "It's not something to get angry about, I think it's hilarious." Meredith Cameron had a similar experience: “I just closed the door and laughed about it."

All I have to say is when you are a student and broke, you can if some unusual and inventive places to do the deed. It happens all the time so get use to it and what are you going to anyway, it’s cold and dark all the time.
Tav’s whole story is here http://www.uaf.edu/sunstar/archives/20051213/coldsex.htm


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been perusing your blog for a few minutes now and came across this article. I'm actually applying to UAF (sending out my materials today) and received some extra stuff with the books before I applied (such as that issue of the paper) -- I thought that kind of thing happened in all schools.

And I hope if I do get accepted that Fairbanks isn't as small as its made out to be. I've been in Boston for the past four years so I'm not sure how I will like it.

Check out my blog sometime -- www.jessicapezak.com

9:13 AM  

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